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America’s Biopharma Companies

TV / Pre-Roll / Print / Website / Rich Media / Social / Web Content

“Do Not Go Gentle” TV/Web
Launch Print Newspaper/Magazine
“Cells” Campaign TV/Web/Content
Cells Print Magazine/Newspaper
“New World” TV/Web
Go Boldly Website

Go Boldly Mobile/Content

“Alzheimer’s Disease” Web/TV/Content
“Breast Cancer” Web/TV/Content
“Depression” Web/TV/Content
“ALS” Web/TV/Content
“Cancer” Web/TV/Content


A pitch winning, and life affirming, campaign for the Biopharma Industry.

Medical research, and the medicines and treatments that result, touch nearly all of us at some point: whether to heal, extend life, or save our life. Still, the research industry can be seen as monolithic, and uncaring.

We set out to tell a different side of the story, and an inspiring and true one. Every day, thousands of biopharmaceutical researchers – and patients in need – fight impossible odds to unearth cutting-edge medicines and cures.

Behind research are 140,000 dedicated researchers. And at the end journey of medicines are patients – millions who take part in trials and many who would not be alive to tell their story today without modern medicine.

The campaign (actually three, interlinked) crossed all media and platforms, with tremendous impact. On Youtube alone, it garnered six million views in the first three months, and six million more as work rolled out.

In the end it’s a human story – of sometimes superhuman human effort and bravery – created to salute the indominable will and tenacity of all who Go Boldly.