Posts By : mpaska

What’s New
2022: Better and better health for all, as the Health beat goes on.

It was impossible in ‘22 not to reflect on the Covid challenges of ’21, to celebrate the victories, and it turns out…to educate.

Projects this year included efforts for the State of Virginia to encourage Covid vaccines for kids, national Covid education for Pfizer, and a humorous (imagine) campaign for QuickVue home Covid testing. (For some new friends at BBDO Health.)

A major project was helping to launch Rinvoq’s Eczema indication with Digitas in Philadelphia, followed immediately by unbranded work for Alzheimer’s at VMLYR Health, a follow-up to the win in ’21 of Genetech’s branded Alzheimer’s breakthrough Gantenerumab.

Other efforts throughout the year ranged across many categories, with HCP and DTC work in Respiratory, Oncology, Hemophilia, Leukemia, Opioid Addiction, Pediatric Seizures, Plaque Psoriasis, Eczema, and more.

All of which added to an ever-increasing range of knowledge and experience across many disease states – always useful in trying to create solutions no matter what the drug or indication, as well as ongoing inspiration to find those solutions for so many people who have so many diverse needs.

(Speaking of range, for a complete list of all DTC and HCP brands/projects I’ve worked on – including pitch wins and launches – please click here.)

What’s New
2021: A year that kept getting better and better.

What a year. We all made great progress getting our lives back, and we got back to work in a big way.

New business was cooking, and I continued a long multi-year winning streak, contributing the winning creative for Natera’s Genomic Oncology Screening (which I did with the awesome team at CDM) and for Genentec’s new Alzheimer’s treatment, Gantenerumab. (Done with the equally awesome VMLYR team.) `

The rest of the year was a happy, productive blur working on a crazy list of projects for Ogilvy Health, TBWA Chiat Day Health, Havas Health, several FCB Health shops, several Publicis Health shops (including to launch Rinvoq), Evoke Health – and of course, CDM and VMLYR Health.

What’s New
2020: A challenging year, as our personal health hit us all close to home.

I’m grateful we seem to be making progress on coming out of this – there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

I tried to spread some light myself with long projects at Publicis Health and Evoke Health, and spent a part of the year outside of the Health sector, working on broadcast campaigns for American Century Insurance – the work focusing on keeping dreams alive.

In a year that had us questioning our own dreams and futures, it felt like worthy and timely work to be doing.

What’s New
2019: New business, new campaigns, new friends, and another year in Health.

It’s said you can’t be too healthy. Neither 2019 nor I had any argument with that.

A multi-year run of new business Health wins continued with Vazalore – a breakthrough new aspirin from PLX – and an introductory campaign breaking in mid-2020.

Also in production is a new campaign for Zoetis brand Apoquel – the #1 Rx medication for dog itch – featuring a wisecracking pug who hijacks a vet visit.

Both those campaigns were done during a long engagement with our new friends at Ogilvy Health, as well as broadcast spots for Cerave Skin Care, work for Enhertu (HER2 Cancer) Esbriet (Lung Disease), and Astra Zeneca’s kidney franchise.

Other projects had me under the Publicis umbrella (Digitas, Saatchi Health, Heartbeat) for work on Abbvie’s Veliparib (Breast & Ovarian Cancer), Novo Nordisk (Obesity Care) and Keytruda (Cancer Immunotherapy with multiple indications).

Outside the Health area, InBev projects on Land Shark, Kirin, Bon & Viv, and the Busch Racing Team kept me challenged. (Not to mention well supplied with beverages.)

All in all, a healthy and fun year. What more can one ask for? Except even more health and happiness in 2020 – for each of us.

What’s New
2018 was a very healthy year.

On the heels of a great ’17 (helped win 750 million in new business, and the continuing success of the “Go Boldly” campaign) – 2018 was a deep dive into Health and Wellness.

Contributions to new business wins included Takeda’s Dengue Fever Vaccine, Astra Zeneca’s new COPD medication, and Eli Lilly corporate work.

As a personal project, I helped launch Healing Harbors, a Maine-based, veteran-founded, women-owned (generously-hyphened) maker of thoughtfully crafted CBD products.

Some other projects the year brought were a launch of Abbvie’s new psoriasis treatment (in pre-release), corporate work for Hospital Corporation of America, and a new campaign for Gilead’s HIV portfolio. (In development.)

Last, but not least, “Go Boldly” won the prestigious Chairman’s Award at the National DTC Award Show.

Here’s to an even healthier ’19, for all of us.


What’s New
New Business. Lots.

2017 has been a busy year in Mr. Rodgers’ Neighborhood.

On freelance CD/Writer patrol, I did – with my partners – the winning creative work on four accounts that will generate about 750 million in billings over the next three years.

  • Rackspace (Managed Cloud Solutions)
  • The U.S. Census (Government contract)
  • PhRMA (Advocate group for the biophamaceutical industry)
  • fuboTV (Sports-centric streaming TV platform)

Nice biz if you can get it. And we did.

Click on the links above to see the winning work for PhRMA and fuboTV – all work presented at the pitches, then produced.