What’s New
2022: Better and better health for all, as the Health beat goes on.
It was impossible in ‘22 not to reflect on the Covid challenges of ’21, to celebrate the victories, and it turns out…to educate.
Projects this year included efforts for the State of Virginia to encourage Covid vaccines for kids, national Covid education for Pfizer, and a humorous (imagine) campaign for QuickVue home Covid testing. (For some new friends at BBDO Health.)
A major project was helping to launch Rinvoq’s Eczema indication with Digitas in Philadelphia, followed immediately by unbranded work for Alzheimer’s at VMLYR Health, a follow-up to the win in ’21 of Genetech’s branded Alzheimer’s breakthrough Gantenerumab.
Other efforts throughout the year ranged across many categories, with HCP and DTC work in Respiratory, Oncology, Hemophilia, Leukemia, Opioid Addiction, Pediatric Seizures, Plaque Psoriasis, Eczema, and more.
All of which added to an ever-increasing range of knowledge and experience across many disease states – always useful in trying to create solutions no matter what the drug or indication, as well as ongoing inspiration to find those solutions for so many people who have so many diverse needs.
(Speaking of range, for a complete list of all DTC and HCP brands/projects I’ve worked on – including pitch wins and launches – please click here.)